Thursday, March 18, 2010

Weigh-in Wednesday (on Thurs.): Week 5 of 10

Sorry I'm late guys. I have a good excuse. First, insanely busy with work. Second, (I'm scared to say this for fear of jinxing it), I "think" I may have made a friend...a REAL FRIEND...a friend in SWEDEN!. I can barely contain my excitement. She invited me over to watch Grey's Anatomy last night over a glass of wine!!!! More on that later.

THE SAME. The scale has been going up and down all week. I was even dangerously close to my pre-Christmas weight at one point and then the numbers settled back into their favourite place...74.6.

I gotta say though, I've been doing rather well this week..likely cuz I have NO TIME to listen to the voices in the cupboard. Sure I have no actual NUMBERS to show for it but in addition to the nightly interpretive dance routines, we've added weights. The weights consist of my 18.4 kilo son wrapping his body around my leg (interchangeably) and forcing me to drag him across the slippery wood floor. And then (sooo dating myself here), last night I remembered how Bill Cosby used give the neighborhood kids horsy rides on his knee while he bounced them up and down and around, even the cute little fat kid. Typing that out these days sounds very wrong so many years later, but do you remember?

So my knee has been a saddle and my thigh, the horse. And now with this "potential" NF (maybe it will work better if I don't spell it out), I can conquer the world!

Have any friends (besides US of course) that offer great support on your weight loss journey? How about the one or two "friends" who aren't supportive AT ALL?

PS: Somebody reading this post has hit a major milestone: Fitting into her old jeans!!!!! C'mon tell us your secrets Ms. Weigh-in Wednesday!


Mahällö said...

A swedish friend ! Va' kul !

Den said...

Hey Jenn. I'm in the UK struggling with the close proximity of so much naughty stuff! I bought hubby all the goodies he has been craving: Battenburg Cake, Lemon Puffs, Bourbon biscuits, Hot Cross Buns, Doughnuts and managed to stay clear of most of them (OK I caved in & ate a doughnut & was relieved to realise it didn't taste as good as I remember!).
My biggest concern was staying fit whilst away from my work & exercise routine - but luckily my girlfirend here is really into keeping in shape. She has dragged me out in the early morning to go hill walking with their 3 dogs and I have dragged her to the nearest pool for an early morning swim. It's fabulous! I'm feeling great and feel like I've turned a corner where I don't NEED to eat the bad stuff anymore - Hyacinths mantra of nothing tastes as good as healthy feels is REALLY working for me and she is right, once you start moving you don't want to stop!
Once I get to a place (quite close now) where if I'm not exercising at least once or twice a week I actually FEEL bad, then it's really easy to keep the momentum going.

It's good to hear you saying you're doing well... and you know my stance on numbers on a scale anyway...
Loving the fact that your exercise routines are intergrated into the everyday routines of family life. Give that little guy a special hug for helping you keep fit!
Keep up the good work hun and looking forward to hearing more about the NF...

Just Me said...

Grats on the new friend! I know how insainly hard it is in these countries to find a new friend.
I weigh in at 78.9 So I am doing good as well. I finally found a battery. Yay!!!

SwedishJenn said...

Thanks guys. More on the Swedish friend coming up next post.

Den, you are an inspiration, seriously. Way to go! Funny how when we get to "that place" with food, we can resist just about anything. I'm still not there yet but getting there slowly.

Little man is snick with a bad case of the sniffles so no more ABBA for me for a few days. Will have to make up for it somehow.

I agree, Hyacynth has been really helpful here. I can't wait to hit the "gotta keep moving" place too.

Been so busy with work, it's been hard to focus on anything else. Though I gotta make the time.

Anonymous said...

gratz on your new friend! so hard to find a real friend in sweden

septembermom said...

Keep going Jenn!!