Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Bro in Flames!

After the big fuss I've been making, it's only fair to post some photos, dontcha think?

Well my little letter made it into the Terrace Daily and Merv kindly pointed me to their video footage of the relay! Wooohooo! (CTV's is still not up). So not only did we get some great photos courtesy of my bro's wife and his friends, but some video too!

Oh and in addition to LostinTranslation pointing me to some coverage, a stranger offered to send me his coverage of the event. Man, I love the Internet.


Gamma-ray said...

<3 oh you are so welcome dear! :) so glad you found more coverage! :)

Hyacynth said...

So fun!!! What a great life experience.

septembermom said...

Really, really, really cool!!!