Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Weigh-in Wednesday: Week 7 of 10

Shit. It's Week 7. And I'm up a kilo. How's that for inspiration all you Weigh-In Wednesday participants? F-word.

Wanna hear my "the dog ate my homework" excuses? Here goes, heavy drinking and eating one night last week really killed me. And then the stress of the BIG CONFRONTATION. And I've had the little man home from school all week. Just when I thought it might have been safe to send him today, barforama last night. Poor kid. But you know, what a trooper. All smiles and giggles, even whilst all congested and feverish.

Thank God I made a new friend because I had a place to get rid of the chocolate cake I bought for the company we were supposed to have over for dinner tonight. Disaster averted.

And now it's Easter Weekend. Thankfully, I'm not a choco-holic so should be able to stave off most of the temptation. The snow is melting around me and my sneakers are just waiting by the front door. Not that I couldn't/shouldn't be finding "other" ways to exercise but when you're covered in germs and the fragrant musk of "eau de vomit", exercise is the last thing on your mind. But it won't be, for long. I have a master plan (evil laugh).

How are you gonna tell off the Easter Bunny this weekend?
ps. Remind me to tell you about the "elder abuse" I witnessed at the grocery store sad...


septembermom said...

I should keep the Easter Bunny away from me, but I'm one of those chocoholics with no will power :)

You're son is a trooper. You'll be okay Jenn. Don't worry about the small setbacks. You're on the right track.

Hyacynth said...

Same weight. Same situation. Still breastfeeding. Still eating the same amount of calories. Still exercising 4 or 5 days a week at Curves. BUT four inches have been lost from various locations around my body!

I know your plan is going to be to find a Curves, right? ;) Did I tell you I had a member walk in tonight who's lost 70 pounds since last summer? You don't have 70 pounds to lose, but it shows that the workout really works.

Anyway! Keep plugging away. We all have bad weeks. You can do this!

Melanie said...

Hey Jenn!!
I have to say, I really love reading your blog!! You crack me up!!
I, too, am on a weight loss journey!
I joined a weight loss challenge 12 weeks ago (last night was the last night) and I am down 32.8lbs.
Mind you, I have a lot more weight to loose, but I am quite excited!
Now that the weight loss challenge is over, I joined Nubody's and I also see a personal trainer twice a week. Other than that, I haven't eaten a crumb of junk food, or a sip of pop since Jan 4th!
I know it isn't easy though!! Keep up the good work! :o)

SwedishJenn said...

UPDATE: The scale this morning showed 73.6..seriously. I stepped on it multiple times. WTF??

@septemberMom: You're such a great cheerleader. Thanks!

@Hyacynth: Holy moly on the 4 inches! Now THAT is nice. I will look for a Curves here, seems like my kinda place :-).

@Melanie: Hi and welcome! Thanks so much for sharing your success with us, really inspirational. Give yourself a big ole' pat on the back and consider yourself Ms. Weight Loss Wednesday this week.

Sugary drinks have got to be the worst and the diet variety are apparently not much better in terms of overall health (i should post something on that). Looks like you've kicked an addiction.

Way to go!

sapphire said...

When do you normally weigh yourself? I try to weigh myself in the morning after the bathroom visit. I can move up/down a whole kilo if I drank water and didn't use the bathroom.

Don't despair, you're going to kick butt on the scale next week.

SwedishJenn said...

I do it first thing in the morning too, after I pee and definitely naked so as not to add an extra gram..ha!
But did you read my update? The next day my trusty scale (though only trusty if it shows a decrease) showed 73.6..woohoo! and now I'm drinking a glass of wine..drats.

sapphire said...

I think your scale is crazy. Is it from IKEA? ;)