Sunday, November 6, 2011

Two weeks with Mary Poppins!

I've been silent over the past 2 weeks and for good reason:

On October 23rd, a special reunion took place between these two:

For two weeks, we all enjoyed her company, her love. She was Joseph's Nanny for the first two and a half years of his life in Montenegro. We were blessed. We are blessed. She celebrated my 35th with us.

She saw and experienced Sweden for the first time, and some Canadian traditions too!

We hosted a Halloween party here for little man's class..16 kids! Couldn't have done it without her.

There's a lot I couldn't have done without her.

Or my darling husband for that matter: Master Pumpkin Carver and Costume Maker.

From Uppsala to Stockholm to parties and The Butterfly House, we couldn't have asked for a more fun-filled 2 weeks with our dear Tanja.

Whether on-the-go or relaxing, she was what we all needed...a good dose of family.

And today we didn't say Goodbye, we said, "See you soon." Thank you Tanja for two wonderful weeks. xo


Den said...

Awww. Wonderful. How great that this relationship has remained so strong... Loving that picture of you & Ted. You both look GORGEOUS! X

Michelle said...

This brings tears to my eyes. As a military family, we often find ourselves just as close or closer to those not technically related to us. Don't try to tell us they're not family though - these are the people we'd choose to be in our family if we could. Long live these heartwarming connections, so glad you had a beautiful 2 weeks with your loved one :)

Unknown said...

I don't read blogs on the weekends and just mark everything as 'read' in my reader, that's why i missed this.

wonderful wonderful!!
you can see on the little guy's face how happy he was to see her and how the bond is still there.

thank goodness you had her for that party you crazy woman! 16 kids!? lol
well done.

you all are looking fabulous.